Monday Night News

Results for August 28, 2023

Low Net Ladies
Mary Ellen Rock 32
Kelly Morgan Duprey 35
Sandy Gagnon 37
Low Net Men
Terry Aubin 33
Forrest Morgan 33
Sean Morgan 33
Larry Pickreign 33
Bob VanSlyke 33
Closest to the Line #9
Kathy Clark
Win / Lose
1/2, 3/17, 4-16, 5/15, 14/6, 7-13, 8/12, 11/9, 18/10.

Results for August 21, 2023

Low Net Ladies
Ashley Roddy 35
Sandy Gagnon 36
Mary Ellen Rock 36
Low Net Men
Charlie Martin 31
Forrest Morgan 32
Kyle Munn 32
Closest to the Line #9
Kendra Martin
Win / Lose
16/1,2/15, 14/3, 13/4, 5/12, 6/11, 10/7, 8/9, 18/17.

Results for August 14, 2023

Low Net Ladies
Ashley Roddy 34
Cathy Wigger 34
Sandy Gagnon 35
Low Net Men
Sean O'Malley 28
Bob VanSlyke 28
Forrest Morgan 35
Closest to the Line #9
Sandy Gagnon
Win / Lose
15/1, 14/2, 3/13, 12/4, 11/5, 6/10, 7/9, 8/18, 17/16.

Results for August 7, 2023

Low Net Ladies
Carol Baker 34
Mary Ellen Rock 36
Ashley Roddy 37
Low Net Men
Sean Morgan 32
Terry Aubin 33
John Gagnon 34
Charlie Martin 34
Kyle Munn 34
Closest to the Line #9
Terry Aubin
Win / Lose
14/1, 13/2, 3/12, 4/11, 5/10, 6/9, 7/8, 17/15, 16-18.

Results for July 31, 2023

Kathy Clark 30
Sandy Gagnon 32
Ashley Roddy 34

Terry Aubin 29
Bob VanSlyke 30
Austin McDonough 32

Jamie Rohe

13/1, 12/2, 11/3, 10/4, 5/9, 6/8, 7/18, 17/14, 16/15.


SL Golf Club News

Post date: Fri, 07/26/2024 - 10:10am
Post date: Fri, 05/31/2024 - 10:57am
Post date: Thu, 06/16/2022 - 7:31pm
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